Sodality Group
A parish based women’s organization dedicated to devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and service to the Parish. Contact Parish Office at 410-668-7935.
Holy Name
A parish based men’s organization dedicated to devotion to the Holy Names of God and Jesus and service to the Parish
For more information contact James Meyd
Knights of Columbus Santo Nino Council #9462
The Santo Nino Council of the Knights of Columbus meets monthly at IHM.
For more information on other Councils visit
Bible Study
Meets every Wednesday 1:00pm in Cartwright Hall to discuss Scripture
For more information contact the Parish Office at 410-668-7935
Buns & Coffee
Attendees of the 9am Mass who gather on Wednesdays after the Mass for fellowship and refreshments. Any and all are welcome.
Prayer Shawl’s Ministry
Whether they are called: "Prayer Shawls", "Comfort Shawls", "Peace Shawls" or "Mantles" just to name a few; the knitter/crocheter begins each shawl with prayers and blessings for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is completed it is offered a final ritual before being sent along its way.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets each Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM in Cartwright Hall – for more information, please contact the Parish Office at 410-668-7935.